Choosing Motivation
True motivation must come from within. Each one of us makes the final decision on our “engagement.” How engaged, or motivated we are about something can be influenced by outside factors, but like “The Donald”, in the end, what we say goes. Unlike Trump, many of us don’t take advantage of that opportunity. One of the most important rules for success is “Control the Controllables.” The ultra-successful people apply this rule using both sides of the coin. In other words, every aspect of their lives within their control that brings them closer to their goals, in business, or in life is taken advantage of. If getting to the office at 6:30 am will help them reach their goals, you can bet that they will be at the office everyday at 6:30 am. One critical point must be made. Because something is within our control, does not mean we are in control of it. You are not in control of anything until you take control.
Have Faith – Be PersistentI know you have heard it before, but it’s true. Nothing worthwhile comes easy. If you’re trying to reach the next highest level of success in any endeavor, there are going to be challenges. Every challenge seems to be graciously welcomed by negative people and those that doubt greater things are possible. But you are different. You understand that part of persistence is preparing for obstacles.
Salesperson Wanted! Experience Required?For many small business owners the task of bringing sales people on is very stressful. There are so many things to consider. Because of this many companies look for shortcuts to the process by requiring sales experience and like many shortcuts this often leads to failure.
Planning Is Essential When Starting a BusinessStarting a business without conducting adequate market research and developing a business plan is like driving across the country without a GPS system. Chances are you will get lost and need to pull over for directions. Having a map helps you arrive at your destination without complications.
Cleaning Windows for High-End ClientsStarting out in the window cleaning industry, I cleaned a whole lot of windows for a very little amount of money. I was doing storefronts and medical offices for not much more than minimum wage. I ended up getting a lot of work, but soon realized that just working a lot wasn’t the same thing as earning a decent living.