Johnny Depp Laughs at Amber Heard's Response to Questioning

Johnny Depp Laughs at Amber Heard’s Response to Questioning

Why Has the Growth of Your Business Slowed Down and What to Do About It

Many owner operated businesses grow quickly in their early days but more often than not they reach a plateau. Growth slows, if there is any at all, and profits do too. Many business owners are happy with this, or say they are, particularly if the business is generating enough profit to be comfortable. The problem is that while your business is standing still, others around you are growing theirs. So ultimately, you start to lose out to the competition. You lose market share or your unique identity or employees, etc. And then you have to work twice as hard to keep up. This article describes some of the constraints that cause this to happen, and what to do about it.

If You Run a Business From Your Home, Make Sure You Have The Insurance Coverage You Need

Running a business from your home can be a great idea. But, do you have the insurance coverage you need? Many home-based business owners don’t take the time to get a customized policy in place. You may come to regret that. Talk to your insurance agent today and get the coverage you need to protect the business you’ve built.

Are Shortcuts Killing Your Business?

Many small business owners, particularly those who are adding an online component to their business or are new to online marketing, try to take shortcuts to the point where it actually kills their business – all the while nickel and diming themselves into the poor house. While there are countless examples I could point to, let’s stick with the business owner who refuses to sign up for the shopping cart because it’s “too expensive” and yet wants to offer, and charge for, group programs, downloadable products, paid teleclass series, etc.

Start Your Own WordPress Business

WordPress is hands-down the most widely used content management system on earth. As difficult as it might be to believe, it has a 50% market share of all websites on earth that make use of a content management system. When there’s such massive demand for WordPress, as you might imagine, there is massive demand for WordPress expertise as well.

Six Ways to Best Manage Your Business Investment

Lucius Annaeus Seneca once said “If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.” In volatile financial times, it is wise to learn how to tend your current investments in order to ensure their continual growth and productivity.