Top 3 Mistakes When Starting a Resume Business
Making the decision to go into business for yourself can be very exciting and scary at the same time. The dream of becoming your own boss, setting your own hours, and not having anyone tell you what to do is huge motivator. However, keeping that sweet dream staying sweet is a whole different story!
The Key to Small Business Success Requires an Uncomplicated CommitmentOperating a small business requires lots of hard work, but hard work or sweat equity is not enough. There must also be a commitment to building and growing the business.
3 Ways Bartering Is Bad for BusinessCongratulations! You’ve started your business. Now, you need customers to help generate the cash flow. Often, we assume that if we are friends with other entrepreneurs, they will support our endeavors, right? Wrong! If they are at the same stage as you, they can’t afford your services. So then, you think that if you all bartered your services it allow your company to gain exposure.
Booklet Tips – What Drives You?Your motivation for sharing your knowledge in whatever formats you do is unique to you. What prompts you may be broadly similar to someone else’s motivation, yet the details are yours and yours alone. Your driving force might be primarily one thing or a combination of several reasons. You could be crystal clear about what it is that actually enthuses you or maybe you never stopped to think about it at all and you simply do what you do without asking yourself “why?”
What Your Glass Storefront Window Can Do for Your BusinessIf you are running a brick-and-mortar store, your storefront window is one of your most useful promotional tools. With some creativity and careful planning, you can use it to tell people what your business is and what you have to offer.