Johnny Depp Could Sue Amber Heard Again and Win: 1A Expert Floyd Abrams

Johnny Depp Could Sue Amber Heard Again and Win: 1A Expert Floyd Abrams

Name Badge: A Sense of Identity

It is perhaps the best time to think seriously about the name badge seamlessly hanging on the long neck chain. There is an immediate association made upon seeing a name badge. People associate them uniform badges which denote authority.

Small Business Owners: 10 Delegating and Networking Tips

A good owner knows (2) things that are crucial to their success, it’s their ability to lead employees toward profitable goals and there ability to network with other business leaders, salespeople, and the community leaders. How an owner develops and executes those skills is a key catalyst toward the organization being a lasting success by increasing profits.

Social Media and Facebook: Are You In The Game?

If you are a small business owner and not already in the game with social media, in particular Facebook, or actively working towards engagement, there is no time like the present to take the plunge. Unless you are completely satisfied with the business you have, aren’t looking to grow and have proven ways to stay connected with your clients and attract new clients.

Contractor Inductions: First Impressions Make a Healthy Difference

Every contractor that comes onto your site will have their own personal values regarding safety. The potential risks this places on their own personal safety as well as that of others in your organisation can be enormous. It is up to you, not the contractor, to place controls around how safety is valued in your workplace.

Small Business – Dealing With Increasing Competition

A healthy economy is an economy where competition and free trade exist without restriction, regulation and with the minimal interference from State and its regulatory bodies. Economist’s demand that free trade must exist and the economy left to the forces of supply and demand, all noble and well intended if you are not on the receiving or bankrupt end of the supply and demand curve.