Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell Survivor Details ‘Psychological Torture’ and Abuse

Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell Survivor Details ‘Psychological Torture’ and Abuse

Am I An LLC Or S-Corporation?

One of the most beneficial, but confusing, legal entities is the Legal Liability Company, aka LLC. For years it was not clear how these entities work, but the tax authorities have created some ground work which can be relied on.

Advice In Business – There May Be Trouble Ahead

When the news is grim you can either keel over with the best of ’em or become even more focused on your end goal… Why should your business fail if you have great products, great service and your solving people’s problems. Here’s 7 ways to maintain and GROW your business regardless of the world markets!

Using Custom Address Labels to Show Off Your Personality

Although email has predominately blown away postal mail for most people, there are still plenty of occasions you’ll want to actually send a physical card or letter to someone. While Valentine’s Day, birthdays, Mother’s and Father’s day and even Easter are good occasions to send cards, the most cards get sent out over the Christmas season.

Educating Yourself When Investing Money and Talking to Lenders

Educate yourself when it comes to investing time and money into small business. Small businesses need to prepare and learn the risks of loans and investing before your loan is approved.

Programme That Washing Machine

The commercial laundry has become geek’s paradise of late but with a very good reason in that the business is ever more complicated and the demands of the customers has been more difficult to deal with. The latest machines can range from 5 kg up to 120 kg and the larger models in particular take some controlling. Typically it is possible to obtain machines with 5, 6, 8, 9 or 16 fixed programmes and HSG95 (18) sluice disinfectant programmes but the latest models have up to 99 different programmes with up to 84 of them being free programmes and HSG95…