How to Position Your Services and Create Consistent Cash Flow
Many women get stuck at a certain level in their business and can’t figure out how to get to the next level. Particularly if you are a coach, consultant, or a service-based entrepreneur you may find yourself struggling with an up and down money cycle and feeling trapped under a financial glass ceiling. Does that resonate with you? If you’re anything like the women that I work with I know that you want a business and income breakthrough.
How To Give More To Get More ClientsI often meet entrepreneurs who are obsessed with getting more clients. They seem to want a magic trick or one guaranteed solution to get more clients.
Executive Leadership Coaching – Busting the MythsOver the last fortnight, in the process of building an ‘extension’ onto my present business activities, I’ve met an extraordinary range of diverse leaders – some corporate, some entrepreneurial, most a bit of both. Here’s what’s been interesting to me – they have each been successful in their own way, achieving well (from my limited exposure to their work & home lives) and motivated – but not a single one of them had considered engaging an executive coach, a mentor, or an independent leadership partner to speed up the process of living their vision?
Starting A Business Without A Business Loan – 3 WaysYou don’t need money to start a business. In fact, half a million business start each year without a business loan. See these 3 easy ways.
Please Do Not Sit on the FenceMaking business decisions are the most important function of any business owner. Throughout each day we make thousands of decisions and many are made instinctively and others learned through habits.