Cross-Examination of Johnny Depp Gets Heated (L&C Daily)

Cross-Examination of Johnny Depp Gets Heated (L&C Daily)

Plant Seeds and Reap an Abundant Business Harvest

Summer is here and the growing season is upon us. Think of your business as a garden and tend to it wisely, so that you will reap an abundant harvest that brings you a good profit.

10 Ways To Bid Good Riddance To Deferred Payments

Late payments are such a pain in the back. It hurts when you don’t have resources to carry the burden of your expenses and unwantedly have to be dependent on your clients to pay you off at the earliest. This is not the way a business should be run.

Benefits of Having an Executive Office Suite for Your Business

Many office workers fantasize about the possibility of working from home. The mere thought of not having to go to the office each day seems exciting. Although there are personal benefits to working from a home office, many of the professional benefits leave a lot to be desired.

Technical Insights – Building Cashflow Reports For SMEs – Best Practice

Why are cash flow reports and essential tool for SME survival? How exactly do we go about building a cashflow forecast for an SME? This might seem straight forward but tying all the numbers up can be confusing. The need is for a precise tool to create an estimated future bank balance. Overview some of the technical details involved in aligning cash forecasts with your accounts – your balance sheet, profit and loss and revenue forecast, and what formats and KPI’s to include in your report.

Credit Card Processing Terminal – How Much Money Has Your Credit Card Processing Terminal Lost You?

Every business owner that wants to keep from being blown away by the competition is well aware that not having a credit card processing terminal is equal to going to the woods and throwing your money away into a bum fire. However, what most business owners do not understand is that their current credit card processing terminal could be doing the exact same thing; losing them hundreds, even thousands of dollars every month. Programming your credit card processing terminal to do a few simple tricks can make a world of difference, and lead to mountains of new revenue flowing into your business. It can also keep you from losing money every month due to unnecessary fees and charges.