Virtual Assistants Have a Hard Time With Saying No
I’d like to write about a very important topic. It’s a little word but it’s one so many of us in the virtual assistant community have trouble with. It’s the word no.
Hiring Great People – 10 Key Characteristics of Good EmployeesWhether you’re hiring new employees or evaluating current ones, as a business owner, you should be on the lookout for these 10 characteristics that great employees have in common. Employees with these traits will improve your company’s performance and reputation, and they will make life easier for you.
Small Businesses Can Get Big Results From Open Book ManagementOpen Book Management is a process of education and training that causes employees to think and act more like business owners. Of course, owners have a financial stake in the business. Business owners who choose to open their books also need to commit to giving employees a stake in the financial prosperity that Open Book Management can bring.
Merchant Services: What They Are and How They Apply to Your BusinessThough he may have been a forgettable President, Calvin Coolidge did produce his fair share of memorable quotes. His single most famous line was when he said, “The business of America is business.” What exactly did he mean?
How Credit Card Processing Can Open the Door to New CustomersOne thing that every business, no matter what the size, aspires toward is constantly bringing in new customers. Keeping your existing customers is certainly important, but the only way to help your business to grow and expand is by getting new clients coming in the door.