Tales of an IT Professional – It’s Not Just About the Hardware
As part of my work, dealing with inquiries for IT support in Birmingham and visiting prospective clients in the West Midlands, I come across many different IT setups both good and bad. When meeting prospective clients for the first time my approach is simple; it’s to sit, listen and understand why they’ve called me in the first place. It’s not to judge, it’s not to criticize and it’s certainly not to sell – That can only come once you understand.
Ten Reasons Why Businesses FailYou are in business to succeed, to make your mark in the world and make some money along the way. Here are some areas that could sidetrack your dream. Don’t become sidetracked on a track that leads to nowhere or that derails you totally. Think about each point and then write down the ideas that come to you as you read. It may just surprise you.
The First Stage of Your BusinessWhen starting out your new business, it is helpful to be aware that there are several stages that your business will go through, each with challenges and solutions specific to that stage, and each with measurable strategic positioning value. The first, and often very challenging stage, is the “new business” stage. In this stage you simply do not exist. Nobody knows about you or your business, and you simply have not achieved any real sales to speak of. Admittedly this is a very challenging stage and often the stage where a lot of would be entrepreneurs simply give up.
Innovations – Ways of Managing CorrosionCorrosion is a natural phenomenon and is occurring every day, everywhere in the world. It is a chemical reaction between a material and its natural environment, and the material always ends up getting destroyed over a period of time.
Did You Know That You’re Wired to Win?Winning can be defined in several ways. Dictionary.com defines winning as, “to finish first in a race”, to or “to gain the victory”. In each of these definitions, however, it infers someone is going to lose. If you apply the win-lose mindset to the sales process, you’ll end up trying to push. This push sales creates a situation where your customer develops buyer’s remorse and returns the product or you end up spending a whole lot more time trying to satisfy them. The key is to create win-win relationships. As the supplier of a product or service, you want happy customers. Why? Happy customers return and tell others about your products and services.