WATCH LIVE: MO v. Rebecca Ruud - Teen Daughter Murder Trial Day 2

WATCH LIVE: MO v. Rebecca Ruud – Teen Daughter Murder Trial Day 2

The Power of Generating Low-Cost Promotional Ideas: A Fight-Back Strategy

In this rough and tumble economy, some business people sit, like frogs in a pot immobilised with the water temperature rising. Even when the temperature hits boiling point, they remain in the pot. If the frogs suddenly stumbled into the pot of boiling water, they wouldn’t hesitate to jump right out.

Are Business Plans Still Relevant Today?

There is continued heated debate regarding the merits of writing a detailed business plan. As a business coach it seems to me that the gist of the debate is whether or not there is a benefit (financial and overall) to writing a detailed business plan, or whether this has become a dated concept and a fledgling business can thrive without one.

Is Making Money Online Easy or Hard?

The online community is growing at a phenomenal rate, with each day businesses and peole surfing the web for information and carry out transactions. More and more people are trying to benefit from the internet by either selling their own products or by selling other people’s products through affiliate marketing sources.

Five Ways a Virtual Assistant Can Really Save You Money

In these difficult economic times, every small business will be looking for ways to cut costs and increase efficiency. If you’re in the early stages of setting up a business or have only been trading for a short time, you may believe that paying for secretarial support is a luxury or at the very least, an unnecessary expense.

Driving Your Business

Businesses are living entities in motion. No matter how slight or subtle, there is always movement – no matter if the movement is beneficial or not!