Even The Banks Know That You Are Entitled To A Paycheck
Just about every small business owner I have ever talked to has told me they are either not taking a paycheck, or they are taking a very small one and cannot really live off it, or worse, they are putting money into the business on top of not taking a check. Self-sacrifice is the way of the small business owner.
You Need To Get On Board The Technology BusMore frequently than you would imagine, I come across small business owners, older and younger, who are avoiding technology like it is a disease. They do not use email, do not have a website, do not surf the Internet for information or even know what their competition is doing online. They do not read or write blogs, produce videos or participate in social networking. In short, they do nothing associated with a computer.
The Time Is Ripe For MentoringAs we get older, more experienced, better at what we do and as we gain more understanding of life’s challenges, our job as senior men is to pass on the wisdom, experience, knowledge to younger men. “Mentoring” is the word.
7 Top Features Of Online CRM System That Assures Success For Your BusinessFor a company to keep clients, it is important to have an online CRM system. Considering the industry’s high competition, the customer’s impression of service and treatment delivered by the company decide your chances of making that sale. A lot of business tools are available in the market today, but determining the business tool that would cater to your needs for flexibility of access, affordability, easy-to-use and super low maintenance features is crucial. If you’re looking for business success, then this is good news for you because all these can be found in an online CRM system.
Green Coffee Prices Are Up – Are You Adjusting Your Prices Accordingly?We all know the reasons behind the green price hikes these days in the specialty coffee industry. If we do not raise our prices in accordance with our costs then we will inevitably not be in business for the long term.