What Salary to Pay Job Seekers and New Employees
In my numerous business reading on the concerns of small business operators, one of the common statements often recurring is that of employees and workers expecting too high wages. One business owner recently said that job seekers unrealistically expect a starting salary to be too high.
Business Phone Systems: How to Choose Your Business Phone SystemThe reason why most companies shift to using a VoIP business phone system is the fact that it can give them significant savings. If the company makes a lot of long distance phone calls to suppliers, customers, or even branches, it is a prudent decision to invest in this kind of system. This is especially true for companies…
Building a Local Coaching Practice Vs Online Coaching BusinessOne of the biggest reasons people become coaches is for the flexibility of the lifestyle it can bring: work as many or as few hours you want, work with as many or as few clients as you desire, fire any client any time, coach from your deck or the beach, charge any fees you want, and many other freedoms being a coach can bring into your life. The reality, however, is very different. Most coaches don’t get to choose the clients they want and find themselves working way too hard for little money.
Making Good Money Doing Something That Interests YouIt is completely possible to quickly move from wherever you are now to a life where you are making good money doing something that interests you. The idea is to begin connecting to the things you care about most and then follow a solid action plan to make it happen. It has been a struggle trying to figure out how best to help people understand how best to get off the fence and actually begin working with what they love doing.
Starting a New Business? Learn About Your Budget and Things It Should IncludeOnce your business operates successfully for the first year, it starts exhibiting stability. Even then, you must not leave the habit of creating a monthly budget to keep your business on the right track.