Get Set Up for Long Term Success With an Experienced Business Consultant As Your Guide
Setting up a business and need help? Talk to a business consultant and get all your questions answered. With professionals guiding you at every step, you will be able to make choices that will put you in the right direction.
Business Lessons From PinnochioPinocchio’s wish was to be a ‘real boy’. He knew that he couldn’t fool anyone into thinking he was real when he was made of wood.
What Are Good Business Ideas for Someone That Doesn’t Want a High Pressure Lifestyle?Sick of the pressure? Want a better lifestyle? Prefer a good business to just a job? If your answer is yes to one or more of the above, then read on! It isn’t as difficult as you think to find great business ideas.
How to Find Storage Auctions: Keeping an Eye Out For A Business OpportunityThe most common way on how to find storage auctions is through the classified ads section of the local newspaper – public notices are required of storage auctions, often referred to as lien sales. Technology has caught up with these business opportunities in storage auctions, giving people a way on how to find storage auctions in their area through the internet.
The LLC Is the Best Business Structure for Small BusinessesThe limited liability corporation (LLC) is the best business structure, for small businesses because it allows them to behave like a corporation when dealing with the public, but like an individual when dealing with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The corporate structure of the LLC provides the very important legal protection from claims against the owner’s personal assets, while the tax laws allow the LLC to choose a tax classification that is suitable for the business. To choose a classification, the LLC must file form 8832 with the (IRS) within 2 and a half months after registration.