Angel Investors and Industries
This article focuses on industries and angel investors. Additional discussions are focused on how deals are made between angel investors and small businesses.
Difficulties Finding Angel InvestorsThis article focuses on the difficulties of finding angel investors. Additional discussions focus on alternatives to working with private funding sources such as venture capital firms and private equity firms.
Top Qualities of PVC Pipe Connectors for Different ApplicationsPipe connectors or pipe fittings are the essential accessories required in different piping and plumbing applications. As their name suggests, these accessories are used to connect tubes and pipes for better fluid flow. PVC is among the top materials used for pipe connectors in a number of domestic and commercial systems.
The Greatest Small Business Start Up BooksSmall business start up can be indeed a challenge especially for first time entrepreneurs. Aside from the tips and pointers that successful businessmen can give you, there are some small business start up books that can actually help you with your venture.
Operating Profit Defined and 5 Ways to Improve ItIf you are in business either owning your own corporation or business or operating one, you might know about operating profit. For those who don’t know this profit number is the money made from a businesses core products or services minus production related expenses. The operating profit is not a reflection of businesses or subsidiaries where there is partial ownership nor does this profit reflect any investments in which the company participates.