Who Manufactures Better: Boutique or Factory?
Boutique manufacturing can never compete with mass manufacturing in scale and reach. But the exclusivity of its products makes it more attractive for anyone looking for unique, customized products.
Jury Duty and Small Business – Running Your Business Without YouAs I sit in the central jury room waiting for my name to be called, I wonder how many of the 300 or so perspective jurors are small business owners. It is impossible to say without getting a show of hands. I also wonder who is watching their business affairs while they are away doing their duty as a good citizen.
Our Heads Are In The Cloud And That’s Where We Should StayThere is every reason for OHS managers to embrace today’s most cutting-edge cloud technology when looking to improve their safety training. Not the least of which is its ability to actively improve workplace safety. Where are you now?
Handling Pressure for Small Business OwnersThis article explores the parallels between top performing sports people and small business owners and looks at how both groups handle and perform under pressure. It investigates if small business owners can draw ideas and inspiration from top athletes in the way they make decisions under pressure and in stressful situations, which is particularly relevant in today’s challenging economic environment.
Roles and Responsibilities: Align Your Employees With Your Business Goals to Help Your Bottom LineWhat am I supposed to do and what results am I responsible for? These are foundational questions of any employee, but surprisingly few small and mid-sized businesses take the time to answer in writing as a part of their policy. If employees are only provided verbal descriptions of their job and are left to do whatever their manager asks, much productivity can be lost and it can be equally expensive in other areas such as hiring costs, turnover, false prioritization, work imbalance, etc.