Uvalde School Teacher Speaks Out, Says He Will ‘Never Forgive’ Law Enforcement (L&C Daily)

Uvalde School Teacher Speaks Out, Says He Will ‘Never Forgive’ Law Enforcement (L&C Daily)

Do You Repeat Over and Over?

Are you doing the same things over and over? Do you find yourself asking your staff repeatedly to follow up with customers? Are you having to ask for updates on projects? If you describe what you do in a typical day using words such as “continually,” “constantly,” “frequently,” “always,” this may be a symptom of a gap in your systems and procedures.

Hang Out In Your Genius Quadrant and Have More Energy

If you want more energy in your life and want to increase your business efficiency at the same time, you need to spend more time in your Genius Quadrant. Find out what this means and how to make it happen for you and your small business.

Plastic Card Printing

It is easy to find the Plastic card printing company online as well as offline. Search for that company that guarantees a high quality of printing, has plenty of printing options, and a reasonable price range. Online plastic card printing is the easiest and most feasible way. Choose that company which has repute in the market.

Should You Use Phone Credit Card Processing or Wireless Processing Equipment?

As a small business owner, you have several options for processing credit cards from your customers. If you don’t have the traditional check-out line in a retail establishment, you may need alternative method for credit card processing.

Where to Focus in 2012

The common tone going into 2012 is cautious optimism. Economies remain very fragile and so lavish spending on your marketing would be a high risk activity. Instead, focus in 2012 on your high payoff activities and leverage the abundance of low cost, no cost marketing tools available to you.