Top Moments of Johnny Depp’s Lawyer Camille Vasquez Cross-Examining Amber Heard (Part Two)

Top Moments of Johnny Depp’s Lawyer Camille Vasquez Cross-Examining Amber Heard (Part Two)

How Does A Small Business Contract With the Federal Government?

The motivation for Small Businesses to contract with the Federal Government is real. In 2010, almost $98 billion of the over $430 Billion in federal contracts were awarded to Small Businesses. Further, the larger companies who won the remaining > $332 billion in contracts were required to include small businesses on those contracts through various but required teaming agreements. There is a growing need today for small businesses to contract with the government and here is some helpful good news on possibly the largest opportunity today.

Barter Is Not Barter Today

Barter has changed since your grandfather’s day. The Trade Dollar was created to become the new measure of value and it is now recognized by the IRS as such. Over 16 billion dollars in goods and services is bartered annually.

Small Business Projects Go From Good to Great With Gantt

Small businesses use projects to accomplish so much of their necessary work, but often one of the best tools for project management are overlooked. Gantt charts are not just for the Fortune 500, but for anyone with a time-constrained engagement having specific deliverables. Gantt charts make these projects far more likely to be done on time and on budget, here’s how that works.

How to Create the Perfect Home Office

These days, the work-at-home set-up is the dream of a lot of workers. Whether one is a telecommuting employee or a homebased business owner, it’s easy to see the advantages of being able to avoid high commuter costs and having your own, personal, exclusive bathroom.

Boost Your Sales With a Unique Selling Point

Creating an Unique Selling Point (USP) to get those vital customers using your business and to keep them coming back again and again. This makes you stand out from your competitors.