Can a Pre-Existing Condition Impact a Personal Injury Lawsuit?
People are often reluctant to disclose pre-existing conditions during a personal injury lawsuit. This is an understandable feeling given that the at-fault party’s insurance company may not want to pay out the claim willingly. They will be even less inclined to do so if they find out that a client failed to disclose pre-existing conditions.
AUTOMATIC DOOR SERVICE PROVIDERS – How to Limit Your LiabilityAUTOMATIC DOOR SERVICE PROVIDERS – How to Limit Your Liability If you run an active automatic door service company it is not a matter of IF you will be sued, it is a matter of WHEN! What every door service provider can do to proactively protect their business.
Manual Swing Barrier Gate InjuriesMANUAL SWING BARRIER GATES – More dangerous than you would think. Why have so many injuries occurred? What are the reasons why these innocuous common devices have become life changing instruments of despair?
Medical Summaries In BriefMedical Summary also referred to as Medical Chronology and Medical Synopsis is a document consisting of the events that have taken place in a patient’s treatment. Summarizing of medical records is a very important part of a personal injury, mass tort, nursing home abuse, long-term care, medical malpractice and allied cases. Here is a brief about medical summaries that one must know.
What Does ‘Pain and Suffering’ Mean In a Personal Injury Case?“Pain and suffering” is a term often associated with personal injury lawsuits, but few people understand its meaning. From a legal standpoint, pain and suffering can be physical or mental.