Medical Records Retrieval for Law Firms
MODERN MEDICAL RECORDS RETRIEVAL SERVICE – AUTOMATION, COMPLIANCE, SAVINGS – The modern Medical Records Retrieval (MRR) service is a combination of modern web-based technology and a rules-compliant outsource solution. Historically lawyers and their staff would have to set aside a portion of their time, often a lot of time, to capture necessary information for cases that involved medical records. It’s not that the process is complex. Quite the contrary, every attorney, paralegal, and litigation-support person knows exactly what needs to be done.
Cycling Accidents: What to DoAs a cyclist, what is your responsibility when it comes to an accident like this one? What are your responsibilities as the driver of a car that has struck a cyclist? In order to make sure that your personal injury claim sticks, the following details are important to know.
Biggest Mistakes Made Following An AccidentSustaining physical or emotional damage is not enough to win a personal injury case. When it comes to any personal injury case, there are some definite things that you can do to ruin your chances of successfully resolving the case. Since we want you to gain the maximum compensation that you deserve, we have listed some of the biggest mistakes that people make following any kind of accident below – be careful not to do these things.
Tips for Auto Accident Victims From Car Accident LawyersKnowing what to do or even what not to do can make a significant difference in a fair settlement for your auto accident. The first few actions you take after a car accident can negatively affect the possible settlement you may be entitled to.
When Lightning Strikes: Do You Have Recourse?Do you have any legal recourse if you are hit by lightning? Many people think that because lightning is an Act of God or all part of Mother Nature’s plan there’s no recourse to be had, but this is not always the case.