Sovereign Citizen Court Fails #48

Sovereign Citizen Court Fails #48

The Right Supplies Your Car Detailing Business Needs

Professionals involved in a car detailing business now utilize powerful and advanced car wash systems specifically designed to simplify a host of cleaning applications involved in getting a vehicle clean. These machines also guarantee superior cleaning results in very less time.

The Contingency Fees Charged by Scientific Research and Experimental Development Practitioners

During the 2012 federal budget, it was announced that a study would be conducted on the contingency fees charged by tax preparers. The federal government is concerned that the contingency fees charged by SR&ED practitioners are diminishing the benefits of the SR&ED program. In the coming year, a study will be conducted with all SR&ED stakeholders to determine if further action is warranted.

Home-Based Business: Should You Start One?

Is it crazy starting a home-based business? You’ve asked yourself this question for the thousandth time. You’ve heard all the hype and skeptically turned your head away from the opportunity, only to find yourself attracted to it once again. You’ve seen the advertisements and laughed at the idea, but somewhere deep inside you wonder if it’s really possible. The question keeps coming back…

Simply Say It

You’re starting the year with your creativity reaching an all-time high. You crafted a clever, cute, seemingly captivating title for that tips booklet you’re ready to write or just finished writing. And you’re sitting there beaming over your accomplishment. Kudos for the creativity. You are likely to get a much lower grade, though, for the lack of clarity hidden by your creative cuteness if the cuteness overshadowed the clarity. Very simply, that grade will be in the form of missed sales.

Getting Started in the Self-Storage Industry

The storage industry began in ancient China and has seemingly only grown since then. Many investors have found self-storage businesses provide a healthy return on their investments and because of this opening a facility has become very popular. In this article I describe what it takes to open a storage facility.