Avoid Copyright Infringement by Registering for Your Company Name or Trademark Legally
Anyone starting a business or a company has one thing that stops them in their tracks… the name for the company. Everybody wants a name that will not only stand out but will also create an image of the product or the service that is on offer. This is the same for a brand product that is to be launches; everyone would like a name with a punch to it.
Advertising Mistakes – Promising The Same Old StuffGo into any one of those business and I am sure they all provide these things to their customers. But could it be these words are all over used and most clients don’t even read them. Because they sound like cliches… so what is new?
When Is The Best Time to Sell a Business: Age or Market Based?Knowing the when to sell your business is never easy. As a business owner, you might decide based on your age, but this could leave you netting much less than you expected. Learn when is the best time to sell your business.
I Want to Sell My Business – Now What?You have decided, “I want to sell my business,” but where do you start? Most small business owners have never sold a business before and have many questions about the selling process. Here are some of the most common questions and answers to help you understand how to sell your business.
Waterjets: Conventional, Dynamic 60K, 90K?Know how waterjet cutting uses complex algorithms to reduce edge taper and how to select appropriate pump which is cost effective. Read more…