She'll neigh-ver be able to pay him 🐴 #PersonalInjuryCourt #CourtShow #Shorts #Horses

She’ll neigh-ver be able to pay him 🐴 #PersonalInjuryCourt #CourtShow #Shorts #Horses

Your Fitness Tracker Could Help Your Personal Injury Case

Fitness tracker technology can alter the outcome of certain personal injury cases. If you’ve been injured in an accident and it has affected your day-to-day life, contact a Colorado personal injury lawyer at Burg Simpson for help.

Things You Should Know About Injuries

Injury is known to be any kind of damage that has caused the body pain and suffering. It is more of physical rather than being mental. The injuries might happen as a consequence of fall, accident, hit, weapon, carelessness and others.

What Happens If an Adjuster Denies My Personal Injury Claim?

If an adjuster denies your claim, learn what steps to take next. Trust an experienced personal injury lawyer to fight the adjuster and recover the settlement you deserve.

Three Debunked Myths About Compensation

There is a lot to be said about compensation and its place in our society and even more to be said about the phrase ‘compensation culture’. It is a topic that causes polarising views in many people, none so much as those in the legal profession. This article is going to address three of the most commonly held myths regarding compensation.

What To Do When You’re Attacked By a Dog

Being attacked by a dog is a terrifying and stressful event in anyone’s life. Knowing ahead of an attack how to handle the situation as it unfolds can be extremely helpful. An important thing to note is to be sure to make medical treatment a priority and get to a hospital as soon as possible. A hospital may even have a specialist on hand to treat these bites. The staff can also treat the wounds to ensure that infections do not set in. Infections can arise from injuries from a canine, and can be even more serious than the initial bite.