She Told Him To Man Up, He Sued Her For $80K! | Triple Episode | Personal Injury Court

She Told Him To Man Up, He Sued Her For $80K! | Triple Episode | Personal Injury Court

Criminals Will Have to Pay Victim Surcharge

In an attempt to raise funds for victims, criminals imprisoned by magistrates in English and Welsh courts will no longer be permitted to forgo victim surcharges by serving additional time behind bars. Previously, prisoners could bypass the victim surcharge system by spending more time in jail, but from 1st September this year, this will no longer be an option. What is the victim surcharge?

Managing Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace

Workplace bullying and harassment should be treated seriously by all employers as well as employees. If you’ve experienced abuse in the workplace, speaking to workers’ compensation lawyers will inform you about your options. Defining harassment – Workplace harassment is defined as any deliberately inflicted behavior that a reasonable person would consider to be threatening, intimidating or offensive, and may cause physical or psychological harm.

Dog Bites Man – Who Is at Fault?

As much as we Americans love man’s best friend, one thing is certain: dogs bite. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, states that each year there are more 4 million people, including both adults and children who suffer from being bitten by dogs. Approximately 25% of these dog attacks require an emergency hospital visit. That is over 1 million emergency care visits a year due to a dog bite.

Hot Car Death Traps

You will have had to be living in your basement to have missed all the unusually warm weather that has been gracing the UK and although you may be enjoying basking in the sun’s glorious rays, there are some dangers you should be aware of. We’ve all heard stories of people leaving dogs in cars on hot days, only to return to find their beloved pet has died as a result, but there has also been an increase in incidents involving children being left in cars in warm weather. Unintentional…

On Your Bike: Stay Safe This Summer, Whatever the Weather

British summers: there’s nothing quite like them. One minute we’re all rain macs and wellies, and the next we’re rummaging through our draws looking for shorts that haven’t seen sunshine since our last holiday abroad.