She Screamed Her Ex's Name, He Ripped Her Guts Out (True Crime Documentary)

She Screamed Her Ex’s Name, He Ripped Her Guts Out (True Crime Documentary)

A Look At The Benefits Of Building Your Own Small Business App

If you’re a small business owner, don’t see yourself at a disadvantage. There is a lot you can do to stay ahead of your competition!

Steamer Machines Are the Best for Any Gum Removal Business

Gum removal business owners are finding it increasingly difficult to deal with the challenges of removing chewing gum wads from commercial facilities. The menace of chewing gum wads left behind in places, such as movie theaters, gymnasiums, shopping malls, and even educational institutions, has increased a lot these days. Cleaning off gum wads from floors, walls and other concrete surfaces can be tough, if you do not have access to the right type of cleaning machines.

How to Get Financing For Your Small Business

In today’s hostile economic environment, access to capital is the primary differentiating factor between those businesses which have been able to expand and gain market share versus those that have experienced enormous drops in revenue. The reason many small businesses have seen their sales and cash flow drop dramatically, many to the point of closing their doors, while many large U.S. corporations …

Improve Productivity Levels In Your Workplace

Maintaining good levels of productivity is just one of the many challenges that a business owner is likely to face. In order to please your customers, it’s likely that you’ll need your employees to be performing to a certain level.

Information System in Small Businesses

According to “18 Amazing Facts About Small Businesses In America” by Aimee Groth and Kim Bhasin (Business Insider, August 24th 2011), there are 28 million small businesses in the US, which outnumber corporations 1162 to 1. Some say that it is very easy to record business transactions in small businesses. However, since small businesses always run on low budget while tremendous marketing and the planning and implementation are required also, information system in small businesses are not usually given enough attentions.