Ring Doorbell Video Shows Suspect Pointing Gun at Couple After Following Them Home

Ring Doorbell Video Shows Suspect Pointing Gun at Couple After Following Them Home

4 Ways to Get Known Fast

Want to know one of the biggest challenges women face when trying to grow their idea, knowledge, or service based businesses? It’s how to quickly build an expert reputation and start to have a name people in your target market know, seek out, remember and recommend. Because if you don’t, you’ll get lost in the marketing clutter and struggle to get enough leads and clients.

Offering Discounts During Slow Times

Business is slow and you are thinking about offering discounts to boost sales. While discounts can easily increase revenue in the short-term, if certain guidelines are not follow, these same discounts could hurt your business long-term.

Change Is Your Friend

We all know the one constant in our lives is change. Yet, we all seem to fight it. We want things to stay the same. That is just not going to happen. Therefore, it is important to understand that change is going to happen and that you must make change your friend. There is no use in fighting it, so use it to your advantage, in business and in life.

Business Credit: Every Small Business Owner and Entrepreneur Should Know This

Most small business owners and entrepreneurs often neglect one key aspect in developing and maintaining their business. That key aspect is business credit.

Your Business 3.4

We often think of our small businesses as growing and developing gradually and consistently. We look at typical business indicators, such as revenue and profit curves, customer metrics or website hits and what we see resembles a car journey.