REPLAY: Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard Defamation Trial - Rebuttal Cases

REPLAY: Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard Defamation Trial – Rebuttal Cases

The New “Business Normal”

I ask most of the business owners I speak with the same question: “Are you glad that 2012 is finally here or do you expect more of the same?” Almost universally the great majority are glad and since it IS an election year are hoping for the best and are optimistic. The overwhelming feedback is that many business owners are still trying to find their way in this New Paradigm, but the shell shock of the Great Recession seems to be wearing off.

Become a Top Wedding Planner – DO’s and DON’Ts of Planning Events for Free

As a wedding and event planner you will get many requests asking you to plan events for free in exchange or publicity or access to a group’s membership. Before you jump on any opportunity, you need review it carefully and be sure it would be valuable for you.

Freelance Writers Wanted For Internet Success

If a small business on the Internet could hang a sign out in front of their store, it should say freelance writers wanted; because regardless of what product is being sold, every person in business on the Internet has the need for the written word. There are many examples of this kind of writing that can be subcontracted, and without spending a lot of money. The amount of time you will save by not writing all of the content yourself, regardless of your business, can be so significant that it can mean the difference between making…

How to Set Up a Small Business: From Choosing a Name to Choosing Custom Software

Beginning a small business is one of the easiest ways to make a lot of money. That’s not to say, however, that it’s easy. The reason more people don’t do it is that it’s so hard.

Business Plan for Small Business – Business Location

When you are thinking of starting a small business and you are ready to move forward – before you spend any money – you must understand where you are going to carry on your business – Location. Everyone thinks the success of their business depends on finding the ideal location. Let us explore in this article if this is true or not.