Rapper Boosie BadAzz Threatens to Spit on Cops During Traffic Stop In Georgia

Rapper Boosie BadAzz Threatens to Spit on Cops During Traffic Stop In Georgia

Piercing the Corporate Veil: A Brief Q and A

In this brief Q&A, the following questions are addressed: What is a corporate veil? What does it mean for the court to pierce your corporate veil? When can my corporate veil be pierced? What can I do to prevent my corporate veil from being pierced?

Why Business Owners Should Plan on the Obvious

Ah yes, the obvious. Right in front of our eyes. Some business owners see it. Others don’t. Health-care reform, higher taxes, and greater opportunities for government funding are just some of the certainties we can look forward to.

How to Start a Handmade Bags Business?

Running your own handmade bags business is a great way to break into the fashion world. If you have ever created bags and purses and wondered if you could turn your hobby into a paying business, now is the time to take advantage of the growing demand for handmade products.

Six Business Technologies That Don’t Work

Decades since the introduction of personal computing there are still too many business technologies that don’t work. Oh, the hardware and software firms will tell you that they do. But they still don’t get it. For example, go to Microsoft’s support site and type in “Microsoft Word Error” (leave out the quotes). I did this and got 2,380,000 results. Is this indicative of something working?

The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Employment Costs

Spotted attractive businesses for sale, thinking of starting a business? Every day good businesses fail because entrepreneurs fail to estimate the cost of employing their people accurately. Any good business plan must be based on a real understanding of employment costs.