Why Your Home or Small Business Needs a Business Plan
A business plan provides accurate planning to reduce uncertainty. The actual planning activity helps the entrepreneur to realize the hurdles & obstacles ahead, as it is basically about simulating scenarios for initial start-up and medium term business development and growth.
Program For Investment In Micro-Entrepreneurs Technical AssistanceThe Small Business Administration, otherwise known as SBA, is the leading United States government agency that is greatly committed to offering support to entrepreneurs and small business enterprises. The SBA’s attempts are well guided by their overall agency mission, which is “to maintain and strengthen the nation’s economy by enabling the establishment and viability of small businesses and by assisting in the economic recovery of communities after disasters.” In keeping with all its programs and objectives, the Small Business Administration constituted the Program for Investment in Micro-Entrepreneurs(PRIME) Technical Assistance.
Why Set Up A Business In South Africa?Offering enormous investment potential and one of the most advanced and productive economies in Africa, South Africa is an excellent destination for anyone looking to set up a new business overseas. There are also a number of incentives in place to tempt investors, such as tax breaks and grants for specific projects that will provide benefits to the country and stimulate growth. One of the most attractive things for investors is the fact that South Africa has some sound economic policies, making it a safer place to invest.
Three Steps For Small Business GrowthIn a small business, whether mature or a start-up, there is an effective process for growth or new offerings. Entrepreneurs are often guilty of “ready, fire, aim” initiatives that fail miserably and can be costly and damaging to the business. By adopting a simple sequence in planning and execution, we can raise our chance of success dramatically and predictably.
Business Plans and Customer Involvement in Product CreationThe Small Business Administration cites the lack of a business plan as a contributing factor in 80% of business failures. Babson College recently published a study that suggests that there isn’t a correlation between a written business plan and success (defined by revenue).