Petito v. Laundrie Lawsuit, Parkland School Shooter Faces Death Penalty, Ricky Martin $3M Lawsuit

Petito v. Laundrie Lawsuit, Parkland School Shooter Faces Death Penalty, Ricky Martin $3M Lawsuit

The New Boomer Entrepreneur, Start-Ups and Start-Downs

It’s been quite a while since publishing the original best-selling book ‘Just Tell Me What To Do – Easy Marketing Tips For Small Business’ and much has changed for entrepreneurs. It’s not just young people entering the world of entrepreneurship. In fact the latest surveys show that Boomers (those born between 1946-1964) are the largest group to be starting, growing or selling a business. Add to that the incredible amount of business owners who are willing to let their businesses go for well under what they could be worth.

Registered Agent: What It Is and When I Need One

A registered agent is the contact person for a corporation, LLC, or other incorporated entity. With very few exceptions, nearly every state requires incorporated businesses to have a registered agent on file. The registered agent needs to be on file from the day you incorporate, as his or her name and address must be present in the Articles of Incorporation.

Social Media for Small Businesses – 5 Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs to Get Social

Many small business owners have the wrong impression about social media, believing it too complicated, too time-consuming and not relevant for their line of work. This article outlines the main reasons why social media is perfectly suited for the needs of small businesses, and is a much more cost-effective route to marketing and promotion for businesses with a smaller budget.

Why Setting Up In Another Market Might Be Your Best Option

“Think global, act local” is a phrase often associated with environmental and social movements. Surprisingly, for me it also resonates with export planning. In a single sentence it captures both the aspirations and the tactics needed for many export businesses to grow – whether you are a two-person, family-owned internet business or a large-scale building company.

Small Business Ideas to Create Secondary Income

With the state of today’s economy, the cost of living is rising and it is not surprising that many people are looking for a secondary form of income. Getting a second job with a set schedule, however, is more than most people can fit into their schedules. The good news is that there are plenty of small business ideas that give people the freedom to earn extra money on their own terms.