No Charges Against Police Officer Who Fatally Shot Amir Locke

No Charges Against Police Officer Who Fatally Shot Amir Locke

How to Find the Best Work at Home Jobs for Moms

Being a mom is one of the greatest honors on this earth. It is also a huge responsibility and can leave little time for other endeavors. In recent years, many employers have realized that there is a largely untouched workforce in moms.

A Comfort Zone Busted

With each step, take a good look around and see what is out there. We live in a world where possibilities and choices are spilling out all around us. Simply grab one of them and see where it can take you. Then grab another and another and begin to build the life you want. Take yourself out of your comfort zone and enjoy the journey.

Is It Your Time To Be An Independent Business Owner?

If you ever thought about being an independent business owner, here are the reasons that you should. Have the courage to do it now before opportunity passes you by.

Booklet Tips – Absolutely Not

Using absolutes in your tips booklet can sometimes put a truly impossible burden on your reader. Think about the absolutes you might be inclined to use – words like always, all, forever, never – and consider how realistic it is to suggest such things, much less even possible to accomplish in certain circumstances.

Booklet Tips – Gathering Tips

Do you believe you have no time to gather tips from your expertise or to write anything at all? Is that the message running in your brain when you think of how terrific it could be to publish a tips booklet or create and publish any other information product? Here are some simple solutions to easily help you get beyond that.