NJ v. Michael Barisone Trial Day 9 - Cont'd Cross/Redirect Of Dr Charles Hassonm, Psychologist

NJ v. Michael Barisone Trial Day 9 – Cont’d Cross/Redirect Of Dr Charles Hassonm, Psychologist

10 Must Ask Questions When Starting Online

Nowadays with a lack of stability in the job market many people are considering subsidizing their income with their own business. With the intention of growing it to fund their early retirement, retirement plan, help with schooling costs etc. Or maybe to pay for holidays and other luxuries, or even just for security.

7 Top Tips to Establish Value-Based Rates and Finally Charge What You Are Worth

As a business owner and service provider, have you ever questioned the value of the services you offer? Or even your own value as an experienced professional in your area of expertise? Believe me, you are not alone!

Price For Value

All businesses – my clients and everyone else – worry about their prices. Are they too high?

Buying And Selling Businesses – Proper Strategy Needed

Selling or buying a business can be difficult and tricky. There are several rules to follow along with a number of different tactics to get the best deal out of the person on the other side of the transaction.

3 Reasons You’re Not Making Money in Your Business

I can remember my first speaking gig and the level of excitement at the thought of finally getting the opportunity to be on stage. As an entrepreneur they always say that the fastest way to grow your list is to speak. So I set out on a mission to SPEAK. Here is what I didn’t take into consideration and that was speaking doesn’t pay my mortgage. Those of you reading this probably feel the same way, you feel that your company is not paying your bills and neither are prospects. You can’t seem to get people to show up at your events or you can’t get them to dial into your tele-seminar.