When It Comes To Getting A New Client, When Is Enough, Enough?
The clients who take the most effort to engage are usually the ones you regret taking on six weeks later when they’re making increasingly unnecessary demands and generally making your life miserable. But, on the flip side, they’re often the most lucrative. So just how much time should you invest trying to win them over?
Booklet Tips – Market or WriteYou’d rather write and create new products than market OR you’d rather market more than write. Does one of those statements sound more like you than the other? If so, you’re definitely not alone. And no matter which one sounds closer to who you are, there are options you may have never considered to get both accomplished with less pain than you believe is part of the deal.
What Is Your Ethos? Are You Sending A Clear Message?Your ethos should clearly and concisely convey the direction you want your business to go in. Your ethos should reflect your true passions and values. So step away from what you do and instead decide what your business is all about. Make your message clear, make it true. Then make sure everyone knows what it is.
How to Train a Small Business StaffAre you struggling with staff problems? Do they need to be trained better to help improve your small business? Read more…
7 Step Revenue Planning and How to Ensure ProfitabilityA few years ago I was at a closed door meeting of business owners. We had gotten together to share information and work on our businesses. One of the members had just crossed the $500,000 mark in her business. She was understandably psyched and we were for her. Later, after dinner…