How to Write a Job Description in 3 Easy Steps
A job description can be an essential tool when hiring employees as part of the job interview process. A clearly written job description is also one of several ways to help you to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings of what is required of your employees once hired.
If I Have a Traditional Business Do I Need a Website?The answer is yes, 90% of people in a recent survey said they use search engines to find local businesses, that’s a lot of business to miss out on! I don’t know if your like me but if I’m looking for a place to get something online, even if I’m planning on going to the store I still pick the one with the nicest website or the only one with a website. In the case that there is no website at all, I just pick at random if I can’t get any information about the business.
Do You Avoid Dealing With Difficult Employee Issues?Do these 5 situations resonate with you? Read more in order to determine if you avoid dealing with difficult employees.
Starting and Operating a Successful Home Based BusinessDid you ever want to start your own home based business? Do you have an idea for a new business you would like to try?
101 Ways to Grow YOUR BusinessMarketing is simple. It’s not rocket science. And often you already know what to do. The Acid Test is… are you doing what you know you should be doing in your business? And more often than not, the answer is No. So use these 101 Tools to Grow YOUR Business to trigger ideas and areas to work on in your business.