Jonny Depp v  Amber Heard   Day3

Jonny Depp v Amber Heard Day3

Do You Close When Your Competition Does?

I had a most interesting consultation with one of our clients recently. They were telling me about their experiences of the Christmas holiday break. It seems that everyone in their industry closed down over the Christmas break – they were the only business trading for some 15 kilometres around. As a result, they were flat out busy with sales and revenue up. People were coming from miles around, because no-one else was open.

Maximise Your Marketing Opportunities With Your Emails

Do you maximise your marketing opportunities with email? Every day you send out emails to people who you deal with regularly, people who you know casually in business, and to people you have never met before. Your email signature is a powerful tool that says a lot about you and can be used for surreptitious lead generation. But before we get into that, here are some tips on what a good email signature looks like.

Time for a Spring Clean

Even though we are coming into Autumn here in the Southern Hemisphere, it is time for a spring clean. I was talking with a client yesterday who is dealing with overwhelm in their business, which is spilling over into their personal lives as well. Most business owners have dealt with this at some time or another, so you are not alone in it. Here are some quick tips… As SME’s (or Small to Medium Enterprise business owners) we have many things to manage and deal with. And it doesn’t seem to matter how small or how advanced the business is, these things still crop up. Long hours lead to tiredness. Too much to do leads to overwhelm. Clutter causes confusion.

Alleviate The Discomfort During Events With Mobile Washroom Trailers

Outdoor activities can be fun and energetic to be a part of. But they can also prove to be a hassle if there are inadequate or improper arrangements, especially when it comes to washrooms. Using a portable restroom trailer is the best solution for this problem.

Small Business – 5 Tips to Get You Un-Stuck!

“I’m stuck and don’t know what to do next” is a common statement I hear on a regular basis from small business owners. Here are 5 simple tips to get you moving forward again.