Johnny Depp's Business Manager Testifies - Edward White (Johnny Depp v Amber Heard)

Johnny Depp’s Business Manager Testifies – Edward White (Johnny Depp v Amber Heard)

Use Your Head: Starting a Home Based Business

If you want to start a home based business you need to do your homework. Don’t jump in head first.

Protect Your Business Assets

Have you considered what you would do if your business was destroyed by a disaster? Being able to financially recover from a major loss is a consideration all savvy business owners and entrepreneurs face. Many, though, don’t realize the value of having a thorough, up-to-date asset inventory.

Idea Development, Who Am I

This part of the business idea development process, is probably one of the more critical parts, essential to making sure that you will be successful. Essentially defining who you are will serve as a very useful guide to developing your best fit business plan. What skills, expertise, personal experience and capabilities you have will have significant impact on your ability to grow and develop a successful business.

Choosing a Vendor for Hospitality Supplies

If you are running a hotel, a restaurant, a bed and breakfast or any other enterprise that requires you to provide hospitality services, you probably know of all the hospitality supplies you need. It includes everything from napkins to the soap in the bathroom. The quality of the supplies plays a major role in the way customers rate your business.

The Banker’s Wallets Are Beginning to Open

If I were a fortune teller, I would tell you that now just may be the time for you to look at getting the commercial loan you need to buy some needed capital equipment or shore up your working capital. Just take a look around the city and you will see many different projects going up; from apartments to office buildings and more. In the north central area alone, I have counted over 15 different new projects that are under way and it is only the beginning of May.