7 Ways Crowdfunding Can Help Improve Your Business Prospects
There are mainly three aspects of crowdfunding – the one who needs the funds, the pool of people who want to invest for business share or recognition, and the platform. Explore the 7 ways that this strategy can help you transform your business idea into reality or take your small business to a new level.
35 Ways to Get New ClientsSomething I hear quite often is, “Livvie, clients are not coming in consistently. What can I do to get more clients?” Rather than answer with just one thing, I’m going to list several ways.
Do You Have A Working Website – BlogHaving been online since the mid ’90’s I’ve seen a lot of changes. During this time I’ve gone from having several static websites, to a website that included my blog, to a stand alone WordPress Blog site, to my current WP blog site designed to be a “working” blog.
Clients Are Using Their SmartPhones – Are You Using Smart Marketing?In June, 2013 Pew Research Center reported from their research… “Because 91% of the adult population now owns some kind of cell phone, that means that 56% of all American adults are now smartphone adopters.”
What’s Your Response To The Question “Why You?”You may think you’re not in sales and that this information doesn’t apply to you, but read on. Let’s just get this out front first. Make no mistake about it, whether you’re a Consultant, Coach, Healthcare Professional, or a business owner – If you’re in business, you’re in sales! Someone sells and someone buys.