Ideas for Preventing Accidents At Work
Everyone has a right to work in a comfortable and safe working environment. It is the duty of the employer to avoid any health and safety hazards at the work premises. An accident at work, regardless of its cause and type, is serious. It shows the employer’s effort and interest in making his premises risk-free and safe for the workers.
Wrongful Death and TaxesLosing a loved one is one of the worst things we deal with in the course of our lives. Unfortunately, to compound pain with frustration, there is an additional layer to losing a family member: taxes.
The Importance of the Employer and His Report in a Worker’s Compensation CaseThe employer’s report of injury form must be completed with care. The employer should not report that he knows of the accident if he does not. He is permitted to indicate that he is reporting that which is being alleged and not that which he knows of first hand. For example, where the question on the form asks that he indicate what the employee was doing when injured he can preface his statement with such phrases as “It is alleged that… ” of “The employee claims… “
Quick History of Maritime Wrongful Death LawsWhen a seaman, sailor or passenger dies at sea due to the wrongful act, neglect or default of another, certain laws may allow for compensation. Various laws have been written throughout U.S. legal history pertaining to wrongful death at sea.
Cobalt Poisoning From Metal ImplantsMetal on metal hip implants have been in use for a number of years, with results that vary from patient to patient. While they can provide patients with good results and lessened amounts of pain and stiffness, they have come under fire, especially as of late, for causing a number of side effects and secondary conditions.