I Was Saturated in Blood: Cop Recalls Raid on Breonna Taylor’s Apartment

I Was Saturated in Blood: Cop Recalls Raid on Breonna Taylor’s Apartment

Hey Small Business Owner, What’s Your Job?

When I first started doing freelance work as a graphic designer, life was pretty simple. My daily routine consisted of finding clients who needed graphic design jobs and then producing the design work that I had gotten from my clients. As my business grew, I found my role as graphic designer decreasing and quickly transforming into the role of a manger and owner of a small advertising agency.

Small Business Owner’s “To-Do” List for the Last Week of the Year

As the Holiday parties begin and thoughts of accounting year-end fill the air, the last week of the year gives small business owners a unique time to get some important tasks completed. Here are 6 “To Do’s” for Small Business Owners.

Things to Do Before You Apply for a SBA Loan

In this article we discuss things to do before you apply for a SBA loan. Here, we discuss the development of a business plan, profit and loss statement, cash flow analysis, and balance. We also reiterate the importance of working with a CPA throughout this process.

The $500 a Month Small Business

If you really think about it, $500 is not a huge amount of money. What would a consistent extra $500 mean to my financial state of health at the end of the month?

5 Tips for Hiring a Small Business Attorney

Small business owners are often intimidated when faced with the task of finding an attorney to represent their business needs. It is vital for a company owner to have an attorney ready to represent their interests when the need arises. As you interview potential law firms, here are 5 tips to help you find the right attorney for your small business.