'I Thought He Snapped and I Could Die,' Danielle Redlick Says About Stabbing Her Husband

‘I Thought He Snapped and I Could Die,’ Danielle Redlick Says About Stabbing Her Husband

How To Write Your Own Business Contracts: 10 Key Elements

Everybody knows that the best practice in business is to put agreements in writing. But many small business owners do not do it. In my experience a combination of factors contribute to this error. Business people often do not want to add a layer of expense to business deal by involving “the lawyers.” Further, business deals are often time sensitive, and as a result people often believe they do not have time to consult a lawyer. Here are ten elements of any good contract. Follow these steps and you can do it yourself.

Understanding Small Business Finance

If you are an entrepreneur, then you know that there is always a need for small business finance to keep things going. Being able to get the money that is needed for your business means that you need to make several financial and non-financial considerations. Firstly, before you search for small business finance, it is important to know what type of financing required.

Small Business Success Tips

Small business success depends on many things but the most crucial one of all is marketing. Here are some ways that you can effectively market your small business so that it can grow and be successful. Maximize what you already have Marketing for small business success does not mean you need to spend lots of money.

Job Descriptions: An Effective and Motivating Communication Device

This simple guideline will provide the small business owner with an easy and cost effective method for making the decision to create a position, or modify an existing one. With that decision, the owner can then more easily determine areas of responsibility, accountability, how performance is to be measured and by whom. Because of the objectivity that is built into this process, it becomes a WIN-WIN mechanism for both the employee and the employer.

Small Business Administration’s Small Business Investment Companies

The Small Business Administration, typically referred to as SBA, is the United States government’s leading agency that is primarily dedicated to offering and providing support to the country’s entrepreneurs and businesses establishments. The Small Business Administration’s efforts are guided by their mission which is “to maintain and strengthen the nation’s economy by enabling the establishment and viability of small businesses and by assisting in the economic recovery of communities after disasters.” In keeping with its agency objectives, the SBA has been consistently running the Small Business Investment Companies (SBIC) program.