Reasons People Buy Booklets
Within less than 24 hours two opposing responses came from two different people for the same booklet offer. Both reactions were useful, both were “right” and both were “wrong,” each in their own way and for their own reasons. What do you do with that in moving forward with tips booklets in your business?
What You Must Know Before Attempting to Systemise Your BusinessFrom my experience in working with service based business owners over the years, I have seen many issues, large and small with some far out fixes that were really not doing too much but reducing the flow out of an already leaky bucket. So if you find that your business is a bit like a leaky bucket and you’re tempted to throw everything at your business to get it into a bearable state, then there are 4 things you must know before you start applying quick fixes and band aides.
25 Ideas To Massively Grow Your Business Profit and Business ValueAs a business owner you should always be looking for ways to grow your business. Why? Without growth your business is at risk of being over taken by your competitors, your staff will start to run out of challenges to keep them motivated, your profits will decline as costs increase, your business will not grow in value and most importantly, you will not be achieving your business potential.
What to Do With Extra Plastic Bags?Plastic bags are a part of our everyday life. While some people mainly use it to bag their groceries, others have used it to store their things, line their wastebaskets, or keep it around for future needs.
Do You See Yourself As a Strategist in Your Business?During stage one of your business cycle, you had to be very hands-on, because there was no one else there to do the range of tasks. In any case you couldn’t afford the extra hands. If you have successfully navigated the troubled though exciting waters of this initial phase, you have reached the first “patch” in your commercial journey. You have a bit of mass and the shape of a business structure is emerging. Now you have others to do the “jobs” and it’s time for you to “be strategic.” –Whatever that means.