Former Minneapolis Officer Derek Chauvin Sentenced to 21 Years in Federal Prison

Former Minneapolis Officer Derek Chauvin Sentenced to 21 Years in Federal Prison

Effective Business Plans – Don’t Neglect the Numbers Side

Don’t spend all your time writing the qualitative part of your business plan at the expense of the numbers and projections. Investors are more interested in realistic projections.

Small Business Opportunities For You

So you’ve arrived at this site either because you are seeking small business opportunities or you already have a small business and either want to grow it, or, need some advice on furthering your small business opportunities. Well let’s say firstly that at the present time you would like to go into business for yourself because you’ve had enough. You’ve had enough of your boss, or, you see your boss getting rich while you’re doing all the drudgery to make him rich while he’s off playing golf and you know that you can do better than him – right? What small business opportunities can you look for?

The Reasons Starting a Side Business As a Social Media Consultant Is a Good Idea

Despite the fact that social media sites like Twitter and Facebook have really gone crazy with increased use over the last couple of years, there are somehow still hundreds of thousands of people around who haven’t gotten started yet. It’s true that some of those people don’t really have an interest in learning how to start with these, many more just don’t know how to get started. These are the people you would be able to help if you made the decision to start your own social media consultant business.

Why Is A Niche Important In A Small Business?

Why is a niche good for a small business? If you don’t have the time or the money to reach out to a wide range of buyers, then you need your promotions to be focusing in one place. It can be tempting to try to have lots of products or services to all types of people because you don’t want to lose customers.

Making Green From Green

Is it the new playing field? Once businesses cross onto this playing field, the game is on. When real dollars can be made from environmentalism, then it makes environmentalism good for you and good for business. The sweet smell of profit and differentiation wafts through the air.