A Small Business Lesson to Learn From Chobani Yogurt Company
The popular Greek yogurt company, Chobani, has taken home this year’s “Entrepreneurial Success of the Year” award given out by the Small Business Administration. Chobani represents a small business triumph: although the company started as only 5 employees, it has since grown to over 1,200 – and it’s still expanding!
How to Start a Window Cleaning BusinessFor those looking to start a small business, window cleaning service may be the perfect solution. The initial start up can be minimal and you can start working, and earning, within a fairly short time. There are a few things to keep in mind before you put squeegee to glass and this article explains the basics.
Is Direct Mail Effective for a Small Business?One of the things you hear from small business-owners is that direct mail doesn’t work for a small business. Sometimes you can read this on business forums in comments made by otherwise intelligent business-owners, who really do believe direct mail doesn’t work in their particular case. In fact, when it’s done properly, direct mail works very well
Business Coaching Produces ValueIs having a business coach worth it to you? A study conducted by MetrixGlobal revealed that coaching produces a 529% return on investment. This article addresses some of the reason why you might want to consider a business coach.
What Is The Hardest Aspect Of Pre-Employment Screening?What is the hardest aspect of pre-employment screening? In talking with a number of owners of small and medium-sized businesses it seems that the hardest aspect of background screening is not necessarily the screening itself, but the determination of depth to which any background screening needs to go.