Four Reasons to Hire a Search Engine Optimization Firm
Search engine optimization services help businesses (especially smaller ones) level the competition field by improving client search engine rankings. The process is an investment, achieving great returns for those who diligently address the need. Read about benefits of working with SEO firms.
5 Good Reasons Why Your Small Business Must Have an Internet PresenceEverything in the online world is changing at a phenomenal pace. Wikipedia states that in May 2011 Google’s visitor count hit 1 billion unique visitors. Note these are not searches but actual unique people that are searching on Google.
Durbin Amendment Is Now in Effect: Merchants Can Save Big on Their Credit Card ProcessingThe Durbin Amendment went into effect recently and has caused the greatest reduction in credit card processing costs in the history of the electronic payments industry. Even though the amendment was intended to help small retail merchants, most merchants won’t benefit from the credit card processing cost reduction, but their processors will. There is one simple way to ensure that your business can realize these savings. That is to change your credit card processing pricing plan.
Are Your Products Marked Made in the USA?Government agencies have been encouraged to buy American. Buying American translates into increasing employment and rebuilding the slumped economy. Many Federal contracts have been set aside for small businesses. We know that the economy will grow only if we can boost our sales. More sales mean more buying power that…
Top 10 Tips on How to Get and Stay MotivatedLearning how to get and stay motivated isn’t always an easy task. It’s especially difficult when you’re dreading the task at hand and are inclined to procrastinate. You will learn the Top 10 Tips to help you get motivated – and back on track. They will also help you stay on track so you achieve your goals and be even more successful.