EXCLUSIVE: Depp v. Heard Court Reporter Dispels Rumors About Video of Her Hugging Johnny Depp

EXCLUSIVE: Depp v. Heard Court Reporter Dispels Rumors About Video of Her Hugging Johnny Depp


Small Business And Leadership: How To Get Out Of Life’s Sand Bunkers

Are there days in your life that happened many years ago that you can vividly still recall? You can feel the wind, the warmth of the day, the smells, the colors. You can remember what clothes you had on. You can remember who was with you. Well, our most memorable days are usually our most emotional ones. During those days, we were challenged or provoked, positively or negatively.

Need A Business Mentor?

A good business mentor just may be the deciding factor whether your business succeeds or fails! It doesn’t matter what business you are in or if you are a brand new business or a business that has been around for a few years. A mentor can benefit you by giving you their experienced advice to help you create a profitable business.

How to Get Your Groove on in Your Small Biz in 2012

Have you had the chance to reflect back on 2011? If not, take the time to look back. What did you accomplish and how did you do it? For all of your successes, honor yourself.

8 Steps To A Local Business Marketing Strategy

Local businesses often have a difficult time creating and executing a marketing strategy. Here are eight simple steps for any local business to use in creating a successful marketing plan. Take these steps today and watch your business begin to grow.

Create A Custom Logo Design With Creative Ideas!

Yes, we all know the importance of brand logo in businesses as it is a symbol and an identity of a company which help them in promoting their product/services, also it create public recognition and deliver companies expectation towards customers. In addition if we talk about how to create a custom logo for business then only a businessperson knows exactly what he want to create express his idea about his business to the viewers. And if you need to design your own logo then everything becomes easy when you start creating, this will be an interesting process for…