Three Easy Steps for Effective Competitive Research Online
Do you run a small business? How much do you know about your competitors? How much do you know about yourself? Don’t be caught by surprise – take proactive steps to make sure you know who your competitors are and that your business is always putting it’s best foot forward.
Using Personal Finance Tips To Grow Your Small BusinessBusiness is about using all of your skills to manage that business for success. That means you can also benefit from all those personal lessens you have developed over the years.
Become a Top Wedding Planner – 4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Writing Proposals for BridesAs a new wedding planner, you don’t want to spend hours writing proposals for brides who will never hire you. Here are 4 questions you should be able to answer about a potential client before you decode to write a proposal.
How the 80 / 20 Rule Drives Business Expansion And Business Growth SecretHow the 80 / 20 Rule Drives Business Expansion Consider the Pareto Optimal Rule when you’re managing your business. The rule works like this: 20% of your customers generate 80% of your business. Or conversely, 80% of your sales revenue comes from 20% of the customers.
Raising Money Today and Venture Capital And Sales Secret: How Showing Appreciation Wins New BusinessOn Tuesday, I introduced one of our clients (Steve, CEO) to a Venture Capitalist, Joe. Once Steve explained the business premise (business model) to Joe, Joe asked two key questions!