When And When Not To Hire A Personal Injury Attorney
A personal injury attorney helps you in getting compensation for the damage caused as a result of another person’s negligence. While the lawyer is of great importance, you should not hire him/her all the time. When to hire a personal injury attorney You should only consider hiring a lawyer in the event of the following: You sustained serious injuries that you feel have long-term repercussions. For example, you might have hurt your spinal cord and you think that you will not be able to perform your daily tasks as before
What Is an Independent Medical Exam?If you are going through a disability claim, you might be asked to submit to an Independent Medical Exam (IME) by your claims handler. Knowing what an IME is and what to expect can help you avoid having your claim denied by your insurance company.
Settlement Mills – Why Researching Attorneys MattersAdvertisements for law firms are everywhere-Billboards, local television channels, football game programs at the local high school. Many of these advertisements allude to promises of getting money for clients fast. According to a recent law review article by Nora Engstrom…
Tips for Surviving Your Independent Medical ExamIf you are hoping to receive disability compensation, your insurance company may request an Independent Medical Exam. However, these exams are not particularly “independent.” Follow these tips to protect yourself when going through an IME.
Increase in Asbestos Compensation AmountsIncrease in asbestos compensation amounts. Have you suffered from exposure to asbestos? Are you or a loved one suffering from mesothelioma? Seek compensation