Understanding the Different Types of Merchant Accounts
If you are launching a small business you are likely considering whether or not to accept credit cards. Before figuring out which merchant account provider to go with you need to have a solid grasp on the different types of accounts available to suit the various differences.
How a Private Investigator Can Assist in Your Next Hiring ProcessIn today’s society, things and people aren’t always what they appear to be. People lie, cheat and steal. Some people do shady things on a regular basis. They have their plan set and will execute it like clockwork. If everything goes correctly for them in that plan, the person on the other end loses and sometimes they can lose big.
When Not to Hire B2B Sales for Technology Start-UpsMost start-ups rightly rely on the CEO to be the top, and only, sales person in the early days of a company’s existence. The CEO normally understands the product and has the passion to convey the message to potential customers. The CEO is also the most affordable option for most start-ups. CEO’s are multi-tasking, making sales calls on thoroughly qualified and targeted leads.
Choosing Quality Metrics For Incorporating Six Sigma Into Your Small BusinessChoosing the Metrics to measure is one of the most difficult parts of the Six Sigma Process. The team ‘less is more’, although counterintuitive, is best when it comes to choosing your metrics.
Don’t Read This Unless You Are Ready To Make Money: Storage Auction StrategiesOK, so you have seen the now famous television series Storage Wars and you are curious about the business of storage auctions. Is it really this exciting and this easy to make money you ask? The answer is yes…and no.