'Amber Heard Was the One Acting Jealous & Crazy,' Johnny Depp's Witness Tweeted

‘Amber Heard Was the One Acting Jealous & Crazy,’ Johnny Depp’s Witness Tweeted

The Millennial: Learn About the Secret New Clients to Fill Your Business Today!

Ever wondered how some service entrepreneurs seem to start their holistic, health, wellness or beauty-based businesses with a built-in clientele? Chances are, they are marketing to the Millennial-a profitable client profile and niche market for all practitioners to consider.

Making More Money From Your Business – Part 1 – Pricing

This blog post is the first in a series of three that discuss how to make more money from your business. The topics covered will be pricing, variable costs and breakeven point, and fixed costs. Getting these three profit components correct will improve business profitability greatly. So here in part one of the three part series, we will cover some pricing basics. Getting pricing correct is essential to the profitability and even survival of a business. Pricing should be in the context of a total marketing plan and the customer should be at the center of that plan.

How to Manage Your Inventory

Issues with your merchandise count quality? Implementing technologies, like bar coding systems and inventory solutions, are oftentimes acknowledged to be the fix for faulty inventories.

Be Proactive Now To Benefit at Tax Time

Organisation is probably one of the most vital qualities for business owners to possess, and with the New Financial Year quickly approaching, it is important to get organised well in advance. What many business owners don’t realise however is that this time of the year is probably the best time to get their tax affairs sorted in order to engage in proactive tax planning.

How to Sell More By Being Less

One of the big mistakes many business owners make is to think they have to be all things to all men, and that means selling to the mass market instead of concentrating on a smaller market and serving it well. If you’re having trouble attracting prospects to your business, or traffic to your website, there’s a good chance you’re throwing your net too wide. Here’s the solution.