Flying for Fun and Profit: Aerial Photography
Aerial Photography provides aviation minded photographers and pilots an ideal way to generate a solid cash flow on a full or art time basis. Minimum camera and lenses are needed and can be purchased second hand. Training needed is not or difficult. Great fun and beautiful vistas.
Safeguard Your Encryption Key With Your LifeBackup processes should be completely understood or you run the risk of losing or not being able to restore your data. It’s quite common for someone to feel secure in knowing that their data is being backed up. So much that it’s actually ignored. This is a mistake. If you aren’t aware of all the requirements in addition to periodic testing, your backup may not be there when you need it.
10 Business Tips to Live By!The following is for those who have, do, or want to own a business. You just may find a gem herein to help you find your acre of diamonds and keep them.
Become a Business Architect – Create a Lifestyle, Value and Lasting LegacyAmericans are known for their innovation and celebration of freedom. We now have the White House calling urgently for more innovation in small businesses.
4 Ways to Increase Your Website Conversion RateThese days all most people can talk about is getting more hits to their website. If their website is designed to sell, that’s all well and good — but I see far, far too many companies worry more about traffic and not enough or not at all about conversion rates.